Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for using DATAR and DATAR databases

By using DATAR app you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. You will not claim any intellectual property right over data stored and shared in DATAR.
  2. You will acknowledge DATAR in publications authored by you (including but not limited to books, journal articles and films) for which you have used data stored in DATAR.
  3. You will acknowledge the contribution of farmers in publications authored by you for which you have used data stored in DATAR. You will do this by naming the villages where most of the data you have used came from. 
  4. DATAR app requires DATAR users to obtain prior informed consent (PIC) from farmers and other interviewees during the data collection process. The procedure for obtaining PIC is embedded to the app. You will ensure that you will meet any other obligation required by national law in relation to information gathering and use.